What Increases Project Risk?
Agile or Waterfall, Ignore Project Risk at your Peril This question got Project Managers (not agile PMs by the way) rather fired-up recently. Their answers help reveal the extent of the underlying problem. Of...
Agile for Business
Agile or Waterfall, Ignore Project Risk at your Peril This question got Project Managers (not agile PMs by the way) rather fired-up recently. Their answers help reveal the extent of the underlying problem. Of...
Research of agile process improvement honours the management gurus of the 50s and 60s The phrase ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’ appears in bold green lettering every time I do any ‘proper’ research....
There is a workplace evolution underway, lots of people are signalling it. Dan Pink came-up with the label ‘Motivation 3.0’ in Drive; Jurgen Appelo followed suit with ‘Management 3.0’; and many of us speak...
Goodbye Leader Manager, Hello Owner Manager Agile and lean approaches to developing ‘things’ are more popular now than ever, as leaders see that an iterative and incremental approach gives them greater flexibility, quality and...
Don’t be Fooled by this Agile Craze If you are in a management or leadership role, the best way to help an agile team succeed is to learn what your team needs from you....
Johnny Depp visits Ralph Steadman in the film For no Good Reason and I learn the artist practices agile whilst changing the world! Ralph Steadman, the angry cartoonist with the bitingly savage ink...
There’s a quiet revolution going-on right now fueled by people’s expectations of work and productivity. Everyone has a fantastic user experience with their devices and apps at home, and see no reason...
Another true story about the art of Agile Estimation About 14 months ago, I wrote this story card: We should sell estimation cards online, to offset the cost of producing them We gave it...
Construction runs to a well-established plan Simon is a project manager who is having some building work done at home – an extension with a new kitchen. We were discussing Agile project management and...
Agile Training, The Agile Way What are the common challenges for training, and what solutions can Lean or Agile methods provide? In-House Learning Problem 1: Today’s Lean organisations are reluctant to send a whole...
Development Occurs over Time, not on a Training Course During our many combined years as trainers with Learning Tree International, the average instructor grade exceeded 3.8 of a possible 4.0. Attendees loved the training,...
Exactly 1 month ago, I received a link to a viral video called Look Up. I only got round to watching it a couple of weeks later, by which time it had been around...
Storm Consulting has been accepted onto the G-Cloud framework. Hang out the bunting and wave the flags! We are now officially cleared by the UK Government and can now happily pitch for local authority...
All rights for this image belong to Google Generations of Users Relate to Rubik Today the creatives at Doodle gave us something that perfectly matches its user generation that’s interactive, colourful and engaging. A...
On a recent trip to South America, partly to spread the word about agile process improvement on another continent, it was time to catch up on some background reading and one blog in particular...
Yesterday’s tube strike stopped many of London’s Agile Scrum community from hearing the talk by the popular Silicon Valley author Luke Hohmann. With an easy charm, infectious laughter and a raft of terms someone...
I meet quite a lot of people, senior people, who refer to themselves as “computer luddites”. This, despite using email and an electronic diary in much the same way a cook uses a stove, or...
Yesterday I saw RPG code for the very first time. It was quite a beautiful sight with columns of code neatly lined-up; green characters against a black background. This is code in the literal...
How was your first client meeting of the year? Mine did not go according to plan. We’d arranged the meeting just at the end of last year knowing full-well that it was going to...
So what is Scrum? Is this an obscure reference to rugby union, or something more profound! And how does it relate to Agile Process Improvement? Scrum is a prescribed set of practices (within the...